viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

multiple intelligences

Theory of multiple intelligences

     There is research about the different layers of individual learning, it was performed for a scientific called  Howard Gardner, who presents the study of Multiple Intelligences and explains that every human being, the combined and used in different degrees, so personal and unique.
Multiple Intelligences:

Intelligence Logic – math: we use to solve problems of logic and mathematics. It is intelligence that scientists have. Corresponds to the hemisphere mode of thinking logically and what our culture has always been considered the only intelligence.
Linguistic intelligence: which are the writers, poets, and good editors. This uses both hemispheres.
Spatial intelligence: is to form a mental model of the world in three dimensions, is intelligence with the sailors, engineers, surgeons, sculptors, architects or decorators.
Musical intelligence is of course the singers, composers, musicians, dancers.
Body Intelligence – kinesthetic: or the ability to use one's body to perform activities or solve problems. It is the intelligence of athletes, craftspeople, surgeons and dancers.
Intrapersonal intelligence is what allows us to understand ourselves. It is not associated with any particular activity.
Interpersonal intelligence: which allows us to understand others, and usually find good salespeople, politicians, teachers or therapists.
Intrapersonal intelligence and interpersonal emotional intelligence and make together determine our ability to manage our own lives successfully.
Naturalist intelligence:  which we use when we observe and study is showing biologists or herbalists.

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010



    Dyslexia is an impairment of reading, writing and learning. Its cause is an alteration of the brain areas that control language. Affects 5% of children aged 7 to 9 years, mostly males. He is credited with a genetic basis and is not related to intelligence.

Its manifestations are varied and depend on the intensity of the condition and age of the child, because it can affect memory-related functions, vocabulary, and speech motor areas. Even in preschool can be seen significant deficiencies in language, motor skills, perception and lack of maturity in general, so, knowing that not only heals over time, early diagnosis is required for help the child promptly. Therefore, parents and educators should not hesitate to consult the pediatrician before the first suspicions of dyslexia. is an impairment of reading, writing and learning. Its cause is an alteration of the brain areas that control language. Affects 5% of children aged 7 to 9 years, mostly males. He is credited with a genetic basis and is not related to intelligence.

Its manifestations are varied and depend on the intensity of the condition and age of the child, because it can affect memory-related functions, vocabulary, and speech motor areas. Even in preschool can be seen significant deficiencies in language, motor skills, perception and lack of maturity in general, so, knowing that not only heals over time, early diagnosis is required for help the child promptly. Therefore, parents and educators should not hesitate to consult the pediatrician before the first suspicions of dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability, so that the symptoms change as the child grows or progresses. Since the preschool is possible to see small details that lead to the suspicion that a child is dyslexic. Between 6 and 11 years are more obvious symptoms, or at least known. From the age of 12 are very clear learning disorders.

For a dyslexic child is not necessary to present all the symptoms listed below, although neither is to present only one of these:

   1. Preschoolers (children ages 3 to 5 years):
          * Slow development of vocabulary and delayed development of speech with difficulty articulating or pronouncing words.
          * Clumsiness running and jumping.
          * Difficulty following directions and learning routines.
          * Lack of attention and increased activity and impulsivity.
          Difficulty buttoning and buckling or upload a zip.
          * Delay to memorize numbers, the alphabet, days of the week, colors and shapes.
          * Lack of management control and pencil and scissors.
          * Appearance of problem behaviors in their social skills.
   2. School (children aged 6 to 11 years):
          * Reverses letters, numbers and words.
          * Confuses the order of letters within words.
          * Transpose the letters, change the order and reversed numbers.
          * Difficulty connecting letters and sounds and decode words learned.
          * Has difficulty pronouncing words, investing, or investing replacing syllables.
          Confusing left and right and written in mirror.
          * Your motor coordination is poor, easily confused and prone to accidents.
          * Not well attached to the pen.
          * The condition in fine motor coordination gives bad handwriting and poor handwriting.
          * Does not complete a series of verbal instructions.
          * Your reading comprehension is poor. It is slow to recall information.
          * Having trouble about the time and can not know the hour, day, month and year.
          * Fails to write thoughts, or organize, your grammar and spelling are deficient.
          * Shows difficulty in learning basic numerical concepts and can not apply them in calculations or to solve problems.
   3. 12 years and older:
          * Have trouble concentrating when reading or writing.
          * Fail-term memory, not remembering what was read by his difficulty with reading comprehension, written language or math skills.
          * Interprets wrong information, their lack of understanding of abstract concepts and misread it.
          * Displays difficulty organizing space, working materials, and their thoughts in writing or speaking.
          * Fails to plan your time and have strategies to complete tasks on time.
          * Work slowly and does not adapt to new environments.
          * Social skills do not work and fails to make friends or understand the discussions.
          * Finally, avoid reading, writing and mathematics and emotional blocks.